Abdominal Sonography Registry Review
The perfect review course for the general sonographer preparing for ARDMS or ARRT ultrasound boards.

Webinar Registration Includes:
- Registry review course workbook
- One seat at the live webinar
- 6 weeks of X-ZONE, with hundreds of practice questions
- 12 CME credits
Learn more on our FAQ page.
Comprehensive and effective registry preparation is the focus of the Abdominal Sonography course. Over 800 ultrasound images of normal anatomy and pathology are reviewed in this twelve-hour program. This program is perfect for those committed to achieving ARDMS certification. Steve presents an amazingly detailed review providing you with a competitive edge in earning an RDMS credential in Abdominal Sonography.
Keep the review going with X-ZONE.
Signing up for any registry review course automatically gives you 6 weeks of X-ZONE access. The abdominal sonography X-ZONE has over 600 practice test questions to prepare you for your ultrasound boards.
If you’re looking for more on-the-go tools, the digital quiz cards are a great option to add to your registration. You’ll get 15% off the cost of the quiz cards and can start studying right away!

Steve has been a Medical Sonographer since 1982. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma Ultrasound Program, registered in abdominal, OB/GYN, vascular, and phlebology ultrasound. Steve has instructed the Abdominal Sonography course since 1993 and is currently practicing sonography in Oklahoma City, OK.
Steve’s students report he successfully prepares them to meet the challenge of the ARDMS abdominal examination. His focus on specifics leaves no stone unturned in your ultrasound registry review.